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Father Ubald Rugirangoga

October 2021


Greetings Fellow Friends of our Beloved Father Ubald:


Thank you for your generosity and your gifts to Father Ubald over the years. He always spent your donations in the service of others, and to promote forgiveness and healing in this broken world. This included buying the land to build a stunning facility at the Center for the Secret of Peace.


So how do we carry on Father Ubald’s mission without him? The early apostles faced this same question after Christ ascended into heaven. Fortunately, Father Ubald left behind a clear mission and vision; his hand-picked board of directors, his staff, and the hundred plus members of the Missionaries of Peace; selected a specular setting on Lake Kivu for his Center for the Secret of Peace; and touched so many of us with his faith, inspiration, and JOY. Father Ubald’s and now our mission is to promote forgiveness and reconciliation as the secret to healing and peace.


The Center for the Secret of Peace is open and staffed with two priests and we have hired a new Executive Director, Mireille Umwali, and Father Robert is serving as the Center’s Spiritual Director. Monthly and daily healing services continue to draw thousands of pilgrims (over thirty-three thousand so far this year) from Rwanda, the Congo and Burundi. Seminars and retreats for Christian Listening, Trauma Healing and Forgiveness are being offered. And the Missionaries of Peace are working at the Center and in parishes and communities throughout Rwanda.


We ask for your help and support again with our Keep the Mission Alive Campaign in this time of transition. Our need is to raise One Million dollars to maintain  the infrastructure and programs at the Center for the Secret of Peace and in Rwanda, and to fulfill Fr. Ubald’s vision of peace in the United States and elsewhere. We have a generous offer which will match your contributions (up to $350,000) for this campaign.


In honor of Father Ubald, please join me in donating to The Center for the Secret of Peace Keep the Mission Alive Campaign.


Thank you for your past support and as Father Ubald said, “Forgiveness Makes You (Us) Free”.


Peace be with you,



Paul Vogelheim


Board Chair, The Center for the Secret of Peace Ministries

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